Sales Scheduling Agreements (3NR)

Sales Scheduling Agreements (3NR)

The sales scheduling agreement is an outline agreement between the buyer and supplier. Forecast and JIT (Just-in-Time) delivery schedules are sent via EDI. These delivery schedules contain the delivery dates and quantities. The whole communication is based on cumulative quantities between buyer and supplier.

Planning delivery schedules can be generated to smooth the demand handed over to production.

The shipping specialist creates deliveries based on open quantities in the delivery outbound monitor. 

After the completion of picking, the shipping specialist posts goods issue. This posting is the actual recording of the physical quantity that is being shipped to the customer.

With the goods issue posting, revenue is recognized and cost of goods sold is recorded in Financial Accounting.

Advanced shipping notifications are sent via EDI to the buyer.

Once goods are delivered, you can invoice the delivery. An EDI invoice message is sent to the buyer.

Key Process Steps Covered

  • Create, change, and display sales scheduling agreements for component manufacturers
  • Manage cumulative quantities via electronic data interchange (EDI) or manually
  • Manage forecast, Just-in-Time (JIT), and planning delivery schedules
  • Monitor material coverage or compare delivery schedules leveraging analytical capabilities
  • Create delivery, execute picking, post goods issue, and send advanced shipping notification via EDI to buyer
  • Create invoice and send invoice via EDI to buyer


  • Use sales scheduling agreements to reduce processing times and paperwork within your enterprise
  • Manage various types of delivery schedules (forecast, Just-in-Time (JIT), and planning delivery schedules)
  • Automate receipt and processing of delivery schedules per EDI
  • Update release history
  • Monitor changes
  • Use cumulative quantities between buyer and supplier
  • Search and access scheduling agreements via new Manage Scheduling Agreements Application
  • Enable analytical capabilities to manage product demand and compare Delivery Schedules

Where is Sales Scheduling Agreements(3NR) being used?

This Scope item is used in the following way:

  • As a core function of Order and Contract Management within Sales Scope Item Group

Process flow of Sales Scheduling Agreements (3NR)

Find below the process flow of the scope item Sales Scheduling Agreements as it is defined for release s4h-2021.

Download Process Flow of Best Practice scenario Sales Scheduling Agreements (3NR) - S/4HANA OP
Ref: Sales of SAP S4H-2021
Best Practices related to S/4HANA*1) Yearly Updates are released per September of each year
*2) The Quarterly updates are released per Februari, May, August and November
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